As a hiring manager, you’re tasked with finding the best possible candidates who will make a great fit for your open positions, as well as your workplace culture. You also have another job during the interview…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner
Being promoted to a management position can be a great feeling. If you’re working toward a marketing manager position or have recently been placed in one, you’re likely to have exceptional skills and abundant…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner, Marketing
During the hiring process, companies are not obliged to inform candidates who didn’t make the cut that they’re being rejected. And until recently, most companies have chosen the path of silence — it’s…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner
Most businesses need a variety of different types of talents to run their business effectively. But frequently with those different skill sets come different personalities. How can you ensure that the…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner
Attracting and hiring great employees is a challenge for any company, and it’s especially difficult when the candidates who apply are less than a good fit. If you’re looking to be a successful, competitive…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner, Uncategorized
Effective goal setting is an important skill for any manager. Both research studies and practical experience show that setting goals is fundamental to long-term success—because the more clearly you can…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner
Training is a must for new employees. When you're onboarding new team members, you want to make sure they get up to speed as quickly as possible, without sacrificing the quality of their training. In addition,…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner, News, Working and Workplaces
The role of the human resource professional has expanded tremendously, especially over the last few decades as technology plays a larger role in every aspect of business. Through technology, HR managers…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner, News
There are quite a few tools job seekers can use to land the job they want. A great job search strategy can help you identify the right job. A great resume can get your foot in the door. Great interview…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner
As a hiring manager or recruiter, job interviews are your standard tool for weeding through applicants to find the perfect person for the job. However, the problem with standard tools is that everyone…
Author: Clearpoint Tags: Manager's Corner
Here are just a few of the “hot jobs” Clearpoint is working on this week. Please apply for anything that is a fit for your skills and experience, and as always please feel free to share with your networks.